We're Celebrating Earth Day 2015. How About You?

Earth Day is celebrated by more than 1 billion people in 192 countries, making it the largest civic observance on the planet. New River Earth Day

Bridge Day has a commitment to sustainability and the environment, as do our partners at SustainU. What about you?

Celebrating in Fayetteville

Festivals are a way for environmental groups to share their work with the community, and let families, businesses and the community know how they can participate.

Fayetteville hosts an annual Earth Day Celebration. You can join in the fun Saturday, April 25 from noon to 4 p.m. in downtown Fayetteville. Tons of kids activities, fun for the whole family!

Activities will teach young and old alike how to live a more environmentally aware life, including demonstrations about things we can do at home: water and energy conservation, recycling, composting, how to plant trees and much more.

6 Ways to Help the Earth All Year

While Earth day is a great event to educate and get people motivated to help the environment, there are things you can all year, too.

Eat Less Meat

One less meat-based meal a week helps your diet and the planet. For example: 1 pound of beef needs 2,500 gallons of water to get from animal to plate.

Lower/Raise Your Thermostat

Depending on the season, lower or raise your thermostat by 1 to 3 degrees. Not only will you save on your power or gas bill (up to 10% per degree), you’ll reduce your energy consumption.

Compost Your Food Scraps

Keeping food scraps out of the landfill reduces methane emissions, and a small compost pile can provide nutrients for your plants and gardens.

Plant a Tree

Planting trees helps improve air quality, is good for the land, shades your house and can improve your property value.

Drive the Speed Limit

Driving the speed limit reduces emissions and improves your gas mileage, saving you money.

Take Your Own bag

In the US we use more than 84 billion single-use plastic bags every year. Using your own reusable bags when you shop keeps plastic bags out of landfills and oceans. They are also easier to carry and don’t break.

See you in Fayetteville for the Earth Day celebration!