Early Wildflowers Are Appearing Throughout the Gorge

The unique forest system found in the Gorge lends itself to some great botanical finds.  Sometimes we may just hike on by if we’re not aware of the cool things that can be found right at our feet. The northern ridges of the Gorge may not look too different than during the winter months – but inside the gorge, way below the bridge, you’ll see warmer temperatures are already a perfect climate for white violets, wood betony, and more than 40 different species of plants that are starting to come alive.

So why are so many unique plants found in Appalachia?  The ecosystem allows for the perfect growing medium – different than what we’d find in our own yards.  Things like blue violet, red trillium, and even wild ginger are only viewable at peak times right here in the New River Gorge.

Want to catch of glimpse of these native plants as they make their grand entrance?  Join in on one of the many wildflower hikes during the eighth annual New River Gorge Wildflower Weekend, April 22-24.