Feeling lucky? Win a tandem BASE raffle ticket!

All it takes is one special ticket. Win one, and you can fly with other BASE jumpers at Bridge Day, America’s biggest BASE jumping festival!

Your license to fly

Tandem BASE jump

Raffle tickets for this incredible opportunity are now on sale. You have until September to try your luck, so cross those fingers and enter today!

Rules for this year’s tandem BASE contest are as follows:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must weigh less than 180 lbs.

That’s it! Now all you need is a little luck and $20 per ticket.

What IS tandem BASE jumping?

If you’ve been to Bridge Day before, you know that hundreds of folks fly and rappel off the New River Gorge Bridge. Both are done solo by experienced adventurers.


It’s also possible to go BASE jumping with a professional jumper (hence, tandem.) It’s a great way to fly for the first time. You harness up with a pro, walk onto the ledge of the 876-foot-tall New River Gorge Bridge and leap into the canyon.

There’s nothing like it. Not surprisingly, these spots sell out really quickly. Only a few are left for this year’s Bridge Day, in fact.

But if you’d rather save some money, get a raffle ticket instead. You never win unless you try, right? Who knows, maybe you’ll be in line at Bridge Day with the other tandem BASE jumpers.

Important dates

Raffle tickets are on sale until Oct. 1 at 5 p.m. Good luck! Bridge Day itself always falls on the third Saturday in October— in this case, Oct. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

That’s not very far away. So, what are you waiting for?

Win that tandem BASE ticket!