Bridge Day

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How to BASE Jump at Bridge Day (No Experience Necessary)

Want to fly?
Win a chance to take the Bridge Day jump. 
Fall 876 feet. Leap alongside 400+ professional BASE jumpers (strapped to one of them).

Erika\'s tandem leap

You don\'t need 100 jumps. You don\'t even need to have a skydive under your belt. Tandem the jump, and get the thrill of the fall without the worry of the technical stuff.

All you have to do is tell us: why you?
Why should you get this experience? Why should you be the one to free fall hundreds of feet into the New River Gorge?
If you need more incentive, how about winning money for your favorite charity? Subaru will donate $1,000 to the nonprofit of the winner\'s choice.
Does that help with your angle? \'Cause now you\'re jumping for more than yourself. You\'re literally leaping off a bridge to show support for a cause. What do you think is worthy of that dedication?

So, how do you enter to win?

First, check the official 2013 rules. There are a few basic requirements you must meet.
Then, make a video up to 3 minutes in length that shows us, and the world, why you should win. Upload it to the contest\'s Facebook page between Aug. 30, 2013 and Sept. 6, 2013.

What\'s the key to winning?

Make it compelling. You\'re competing with other entrants, and your video will be voted on by Bridge Day fans on Facebook.
Last year,  Erika Terranova pulled at everyone\'s heartstrings when she asked to proclaim her "I do\'s" on the bridge during the festivities. She beat out 11 other entrants for her chance to wed on the bridge and leap alongside her adventurous BASE jumping hubby. She made her $1,000 donation to Mental Health America.
Find your own angle and make your case! It all comes down to votes, so don\'t forget to tell your friends and spread the word once voting begins. (It starts Sept. 7, the day after the submission deadline, and runs one week, through the end of the day Sept. 13.)
Stop watching from over the edge. Get into the action!
Why should you be the one to take the leap?