Bridge Day

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Bridge Day by the Numbers

We'd call Bridge Day 2014 a roaring success. Here's the breakdown, by the numbers. Bridge Day, WV

The rappel teams were so eager to descend from the bridge this year, they broke an event record! The 25 teams completed 988 rappels, more than we've ever had at Bridge Day!

There were 393 BASE jumpers from 43 states and 9 countries across the world— Norway, India, UK, USA, Canada, Russia, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand. It's a slight increase over last year's geographic stats. (There were more than 450 jumpers registered, but wind and water levels kept some from participating.)

In the 6 hours of Bridge Day, 871 leaps were made.

These jumpers clearly love their craft. They're required to have 100 parachute jumps before leaping at Bridge Day, but on average, each jumper had 118 previous BASE jumps and 1,125 skydives.

There were also 13 tandem BASE jumps, with one even opting for a second leap. That included our BASE Jump Contest winner, Nikki, leaping to earn a $1000 donation from Subaru for Maggie's Mermaids.

The oldest jumper was 74.

The Subaru-sponsored DDI River Rescue Team helped out below, and pulled 152 of the jumpers from the river.

Overall, it was a pretty great year for Bridge Day!

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