Bridge Day

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10 Ways Bridge Day Can Remind Us to Go Green

Bridge Day is proud to have been awarded the West Virginia Association of Fairs & Festivals 2011 Environmental Fair & Festival Award.

Saving the environment is more than just lip service to those of us who thrive on a clean outdoor surrounding to work and play in. It’s more important than ever that we remember how to live a more environment-friendly lifestyle. Here are 9 tips from Bridge Day that will hopefully help you “think green” over the year to come:

B – Buy locally…especially from local farmers. Remember the distance it takes to get produce and meats from far-away places to your table. Buying locally not only helps the local economy but cuts down on those transportation greenhouse gases.

R - Respect backyard pests. Don’t become a hater – remember some pests like ladybugs are great eaters of the pests that we really don’t like, so figure out which little creatures to honor and welcome.

I - Invest in trees. Air conditioning bills can be drastically reduced by having trees strategically placed on the southern and western sides of your home.

D - Don’t print unless it’s absolutely necessary. With the advent of electronic file sharing – we really don’t need to keep large files of paperwork any longer - saving valuable trees and space.

G - Grab all unused meds and recycle properly. Did you know that unused or expired prescriptions are one of the biggest contaminates of our streams and waterways? Help protect our rivers by taking your bottles to your local pharmacy’s recycling bin for proper disposal.

E - Enrich the soil of acid loving plants with used coffee grounds. Azaleas and rhododendrons will love you for it.

D - Don’t buy individually wrapped items. Buying in bulk helps save on packaging costs and waste.

A - Adjust your thermostat. Changing your temperature one degree warmer in summer and one degree cooler in winter will save you up to 10% on your bill and save valuable energy resources.

Y - Yearn for more info. It’s tough to remember to be green every day so subscribe to a daily or monthly blog with green tips.

Thanks for helping us care for Mother Earth.