Bridge Day

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Making B.A.S.E. Jumping Happen at Bridge Day

Jason Bell (Top) Speaks at the Packed 2009 Jumper Meeting As the Bridge Day 2009 BASE Jumping Co-Organizer, Jason Bell (BASE #428) will devote more than 700 hours to the success of this once-a-year legal event.

Duties include staff member recruitment, jumper registration, exit point construction, attending monthly Bridge Day Commission meetings, photography/videography coordination, sponsorships, and countless other responsibilities.

With 450 BASE jumpers and 50+ staff members packed into a small six hour legal jumping window, safety and efficiency are critical.

Jason made his first BASE jump at Bridge Day 1993 and has 500+ BASE jumps in more than six countries. His company, Vertical Visions, helped organize Bridge Day 2002 and began organizing Bridge Day in 2003. Jason maintains a full-time day job as a mechanical engineer and enjoys skydiving, paragliding, electric vehicles, and working on his smart home located in Bridgeport, West Virginia.

Additional BASE Jumping Co-Organizers include Jason's wife, Jennifer, and long-time friend William Bird who has attended Bridge Day since the early 1980's.